Embrace your feminine essence, reclaim unconditional love for your body, and end the cycle of crisis with true emotional mastery. 

4 weeks online
starting on 27th april, 2025

Which is the direction for our Highest Good versus the voice from our Ego?
I’m here to provide you with streamlined answers from your soul, deepen your connection to Self, and RAISE your vibration to awaken the next layer
of spiritual consciousness.

But then you look deeper, and realise underneath there is another layer you hide from everyone around you at all costs… on some level, deep down, you believe, There is something wrong with me.”

So you do your best to appear… high functioning. 

You pretend like you’re okay and carry on about your life. Still, this belief lives on in your deepest, darkest layers, preventing you from experiencing the profound joy, love, and ecstasy you know life has to offer. 

That sinking feeling would go away, right?
→ If my boss gave me the promotion.
If my business were just performing better. 
→ If my partner were more committed or affectionate.
→ If my parents just told me, they were proud of me. 

Often, we look at our relationships with our partners, family, bosses, and even friends… and we feel points of friction. We wish they would appreciate us more, show more affection, give us more freedom, or trust us more…

There’s a sinking feeling that something isn’t quite right, but it’s difficult to put your finger on. We end up in loops, thinking if the other person would just give me the thing that I need, then I’d be happy. 

The real reason you sometimes feel STUCK…

until you address this truth, you will always be a prisoner of your own mind


To unlock a life of sensuality, self-expression, and liberated pleasure, you must repattern the one core relationship –

Which is the direction for our Highest Good versus the voice from our Ego?
I’m here to provide you with streamlined answers from your soul, deepen your connection to Self, and RAISE your vibration to awaken the next layer
of spiritual consciousness.

Is this you?

You push to get shit done… feeling like there isn’t any time for the vulnerable, sensitive parts of yourself to be expressed, you instead downplay your needs and feel like everybody always needs more than what you have available to give, leaving you depleted.

You desperately crave love and connection… but when someone gets close, you push them away, and find yourself caught between the tears of feeling abandoned and the anger of needing to defend yourself when you've been let down again - proving yet again you can't trust or rely on any one else...

You look at yourself in the mirror and feel deeply unsatisfied… you are craving to create a life full of pleasure and sensuality but instead you walk around with a heaviness in your heart that feels impossible to carry for much longer. Continuing to pretend to be okay feels like a death by a thousand cuts, and you long to heal, express yourself, be seen and supported, and come back into authentic wholeness with your higher self so that you can instead wake up feeling energised and grateful for the life you live.

You often put yourself down… you constantly compare yourself to other people and hear the voice of a harsh inner critic, leaving you feeling unsafe in your own body. You know you need to learn to love yourself but nothing you have tried to date ever really goes deep enough.

You’ve probably already dabbled in some nervous system work… but it still feels like these states of calm are only temporary rather than a completely new baseline. You crave to take your normal state from frayed and overstimulated to at ease, present and in awe.

You feel excited or clear about your path, but this quickly falters and turns into doubt… It can feel like a giant current sweeps you off in another direction, creating feelings of resentment, grief, and hopelessness. Like one foot is on the accelerator, while the other is on the break, causing huge amounts of internal distress and frustration. You’re holding lots and deeply desire to let go of the incongruence so you can move freely. 

Which is the direction for our Highest Good versus the voice from our Ego?
I’m here to provide you with streamlined answers from your soul, deepen your connection to Self, and RAISE your vibration to awaken the next layer
of spiritual consciousness.

Creates psychosomatic emotional blockages that manifest as physiological diseases, ranging from autoimmune symptoms to extremely distressing menopausal symptoms and everything in between.

Exacerbates arguments in our relationships, often feeling like we’re not being heard, supported and resulting in a lack of trust and safety. 

Creates overwhelm, exhaustion, and inevitable burnout, resulting in emotional breakdowns and disruptions to our emotional, mental, and energetic well-being.

disconnection from self...

What happens if you stay DISCONNECTED FROM THE POWER of your feminine essence?

love and liberation is on the other side

The real work can begin when you stop resisting and surrender to being fully in your body

You don’t need novelty and thrill-seeking to feel pleasure. You simply need to become your own best lover, take the time to get to know yourself and insource from a place of devotion, sovereignty, and radical self-love

You don’t need to dress like a goddess and sit ayahuasca 10 times in the jungle. You simply need embodiment practices to process stuck energy and emotions so they don’t stay dormant in your unconscious. 

You don’t need to keep looping around in the same patterns for years. You just need concrete internal frameworks to express your needs, feel your feelings, and master your journey as a woman

Embrace your feminine essence, reclaim unconditional love for your body, and end the cycle of crisis with true emotional mastery.

4 weeks online
starting on 27th april, 2025



wild earth tantra level 1 →→→ 4 weeks online →→→ beginning 27th april, 2025  |  wild earth tantra level 2 →→→ 6-day retreat from 24th-29th june, 2025 

Set intentions that awaken your wholeness & deepest potential

  • EXPERIENCE the courage to create boundaries and beliefs so you can back yourself to walk forward in life willing to embrace ALL of your authentic self as a powerful modern woman
  • INTEGRATE your greatest wounds as a critical part of your life's story and deepest wisdom
  • COMPLETE your online Wild Earth Tantra journey with a sacred earth ritual 
  • GAIN ongoing support through a final group integration call two weeks after the four week program completes

week 04

  • BIRTH your version of an Earth Goddess with grounded Tantric Practices that support you to experience more ‘turn on’ in your daily life
  • DIVE into the science of women's arousal and nervous system ssafety
  • RELEASE old conditioning that blocks you from experiencing the flow of pleasure, orgasm and joy through your body
  • ACTIVATE a new paradigm where your right to experience pleasure is a base line value of your self worth

trust in your ability to experience organic states of pleasure

week 03

Gift yourself full permission to feel safe in your physical body

  • DISCOVER the mechanics of 'getting triggered' through the nervous system and emotions
  • LEARN what emotions are your responsibility and how to use them as fuel for your personal power
  • EXPLORE using breath, movement and sound to move stuck emotional energy and cultivate your authentic self-expression
  • ENHANCE your understanding of the soul/emotion/mind/body connection as a way to supercharge your ability to release yourself from victimhood and shame (game changer FYI!).

week 02

  • EXPLORE your emotional body as a doorway into mastering your personal power
  • EXPERIENCE the relief that flows from opening to your true, authentic feelings
  • DISCOVER skills to drop into your body and ride your emotional waves
  • EMBRACE solo time with yourself in nature as a way to open the doorway to your deeper soul self

Stop holding back & let your emotional body fully flow

week 01

What you’ll experience

  • Phenomenal support and real connections with other like-minded women (Includes email Support, 5 days week (9-4pm, AEST)
  • 4 x Weekly 2hr LIVE Group Coaching Calls with your host Katie 
  • Weekly Feminine Mastery Videos + Movement, Dance & Embodiment Practices
  • 1 X 2hr LIVE Group Integration Call, 2 weeks after completion
  • 12 Month Access to Online Membership Site
  • Membership to private Facebook Group for community & support
  • Facebook Group BONUS - Weekly LIVES with Katie Rydge and week to week support throughout this sacred journey


Early Bird Offer

Full Exchange: AUS $999 
SAVE $300!

Full Exchange: AUS $999 
SAVE $300!

Level 2
Wild Earth Tantra

Level 1

Early Bird Offer

The Investment

Full Exchange: AUS $3,699 
SAVE $1,499!

Full Exchange: AUS $3,699 
SAVE $1,499!


Wild Earth Tantra

northern rivers, nSw, AUSTRALIA

This six day retreat offers a safe, supportive space to explore deeply nourishing Tantric practices, embrace your body, release frozen emotions, awaken your sensuality, freedom, and empower your deep connection to nature. 

Through nourishing rituals, movement meditations, and intimate self-discovery, you’ll reclaim the power in your beauty story, refine your boundaries, and align with the natural rhythms of the earth. 

With all-inclusive program materials, a stunning private venue, and exquisite meals prepared by our personal chef, this retreat is an opportunity to step away from the everyday and embark on a profound inner journey of embodiment and transformation.

join katie for THIS WOMEN'S ONLY

upgrade to level 2

June 24th–29th, 2025 (6-days)

designed for the women who are ready to fully embrace their personal power & feminine essence

I’m the creator of Wild Earth Tantra, a devoted mother, and a fierce advocate for the empowerment of women across the globe.

Hey, I'm Katie Rydge!

My journey of spiritual awakening began in my late teens, and for decades, I have left the modern world behind and immersed myself in wild environments, deepening my intimate connection with the earth.

These deeply healing wild immersions have awakened my feminine nature and personal power. Through this journey, I have discovered tantric philosophies and somatic embodiment practices that cultivate unshakable personal power and feminine wisdom. I am deeply committed to sharing this wild feminine wisdom with you, so you can embody your fullest expression in the modern world. 

I am thrilled to be in connection with you beautiful woman!


- Emma May

It is hard to describe the feeling except one of rebirth, and your course was a deep root that has held me steady during this profound time of transformation!”

My commitment to myself and my embodied awareness has never been so deep… I have never taken so much self responsibility as now… I feel so liberated. 


- Clio Doughty

The simplicity and subtleness of the practices and information offered is an opportunity for women to deeply transform." 

It's the kind of program that we should've be brought up with... that every woman should have the chance to learn, experience and share... A healing for our current culture inviting you to become apart of the change... 


- Lo Mathias

I would absolutely recommend this course to any woman looking to be supported in deep learning and feminine strength." 

My journey through the course was profound and transformative. At the end of this course I felt a sense of inner power I had never before allowed myself to believe in. 


- Carmell Chester

The weekly sharing created a sisterhood of love and connection. I find the practices enjoyable and confidence building. They have enabled me to return to my female form, feeling the strength of my feminine energy and the pleasure of my female body/soul.”

I would highly recommend this course to women of any age. I found Katie’s weekly sessions extremely helpful, practical and her presentation clear, concise and caring. 


- Alison Manning

Making the decision to tread this path means at times you will met up with feelings and thoughts that you maybe would rather not. It’s not about being brave it’s about trusting yourself, the group and more especially Katie, to guide you through/over/and around those parts of you that are preventing your capacity to live, enjoy and participate in your own life.”

There are so many offerings out in the digital universe to help you find your sense of self, but with Katie’s program you get more than her wisdom and guidance - you get her protection.


Transformation stories

Transformation stories

- Donna Smit

The material provided is not only thought provoking, but it also includes the practical ways to achieve your personal power. This is real-world stuff with Katie weaving in traditional knowledge, bringing with it a real authenticity and warmness. If your inner voice says “do it” when you first read about the program, I can only say - you are right. You need to DO IT!”

Katie creates such a beautiful safe space throughout the entire program, that challenges take a back seat.

Week 1.......................................30th April
Week 2..........................................7th May
Week 3........................................14th May
Week 4.........................................21st May

Week 6 inlcudes a 2hr post program integration Group call!

Schedule of Live calls

The dates for these calls are:

the week-to-week live calls run every wednesday, 6:00pm - 8:00pm AEST.


1. What is included in the price?

Wild Earth Tantra Level 1 includes four weeks of live group coaching calls, and weekly teaching videos with movement, dance & embodiment practices. There is also an integration Group Call two weeks after the close of the program (hosted by Katie Rydge) and 12 month access to an Online Membership Site, which holds all of your teaching material. 
Level 1 and Level 2 also include membership to a private Facebook Group for community and support, with Katie hopping in live week to week to support throughout this sacred journey. Wild Earth Tantra Level 2 participants will also be attending a game changing in-person tantric retreat, hosted by Katie and her team!  

2. Are there any payment plans available?

Yes, we offer flexible payment plans for Early Bird pricing - you can pay $139 weekly for six weeks to join Level 1 and $770 monthly for three months to join Level 2. If these plans aren't achievable but you are still ready to join, please reach out to the Wild Earth Tantra support team (connect@naturephilosophy.com.au) and we can arrange a bespoke payment plan for you. 

3. Can I join the online program if I have no prior experience with Tantra or rewilding? 

Absolutely! The program is designed for any woman who is feeling called to explore her feminine essence, pleasure and personal power. It's particulary suited to women who have been looking for a Tantric Retreat that is grounded in nature, safely facilitated and deeply transformational. No prior experience is required in sexual embodiment practices or Tantra. We’ll guide you step-by-step through the principles and practices, providing support and resources to deepen your learning, regardless of your experience level.

4. What support is offered week to week?

You will receive ongoing support week to week through the group coaching calls, inside our Private Facebook Group and via email to ensure your integration and growth. The Facebook Group will remain open for 12 months after your four week journey completes so you can stay connected with your women’s group and there is also an additional group call two weeks after the online program is completed to support your ongoing integration and use of the skills (hosted by Katie Rydge). If you require more personalised support you can also book a one-on-one Session with Katie.

5. During the online progrm when do the live calls run and do I need to be available for the full duration of the program?

The week-to-week live calls run every Wednesday, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm AEST. The dates for these calls are: Week 1 - 30th April, Week 2 - 7th May, Week 3 - 14th May, Week 4 - 21st May. 
And yes, we encourage your full participation in all aspects of the online program to maximise your experience. This includes watching your weekly videos, exploring embodiment practices, and attending the live calls. You can expect to spend 10 mins a day on a daily embodiment practice, one hour on a deeper practice and two hours weekly on the weekly group calls. All of the practices have been designed to fit into ;.
Also, fyi, if you do miss a group call and need to catch up, we will post a call recording in your Members Area the following day.

6. I’m interested in joining Level 2 and attending the retreat, who is this retreat for?

This retreat is designed for women who have completed Wild Earth Tantra Online and who are ready to plunge further into the embodied wisdom of Tantra and the power of a woman's sexuality and sensual connection to the natural world. It's particularly suited to women who have been seeking a safe place to get in touch with their body, prioritise their own needs, release frozen emotions, heal trauma, explore their sensuality and rewrite their beauty story. 

You do not need to be a tantric expert or a survival ninja to attend! This retreat suits all body types, all fitness levels and any level of experience with Tantra and nature connection practices. If you are feeling called to attend but feel like something is holding you back, you are invited to reach out to Katie to check if Wild Earth Tantra is a right fit for you. 

7. What is included in the retreat?

The retreat includes a full schedule of activities. This includes daily tantric practices for women’s empowerment, nature-based rituals, movement meditations, nature walks, integration time and space to connect with the other women in attendance.

8. How can I reserve my spot?

Simply click the “JOIN NOW” button on our website, and you’ll be guided through the easy application process. Due to the intimate nature of the experienc spaces are limited for both the Level 1 online program and Level 2 online program plus retreat, so we highly recommend grabbing your spot today!

Send Katie a message and let her know what's holding you back. We'll see if Wild Earth Tantra is the right fit for you!

connect with katie

Still Have questions?